The Politician and the Gift

January 12, 2016
posted by Bob Bauer

A number of political candidates over the years have recounted the experience of raising too much money, too much of the time, for their campaigns.  They find it awkward and embarrassing to ask for the money, and the pace and intensity of this fundraising consume too much time that could be diverted to more productive uses. They understand the suspicions it raises in those looking on from the outside. Congressman Steve Israel is the most recent to write about experience, and he is a respected elected official whose contribution to this narrative will not be ignored.

Israel is not talking about fundraising events to which tickets are sold, or about appeals on line or in the mail. It is about the person asked for money face to face, or ear to ear: the direct "ask", which will be answered positively, negatively, or somewhere in between.  It is a personal appeal, but one that is managed and strained: the candidate crammed in the cubicle with a phone, staff at his side, reading off notecards with bits of data about the fundraising target on the other end of the line.

Reform theorists worry about the risk in this contact of trading policy for money, or about the dangers of intense association over time with people who have lots of money.  On the conscious level, the politician may be tempted to offer something for cash; on the subconscious level, he simply may come to prefer the company of rich people and identify with their policy objectives and interests.

But it can be more complicated than that.  Gift theorists—not to be confused with reform theorists—tell us that the psychology of giving and receiving is never simple. William Ian Miller has written that “central to the notion of the gift is the way in which reciprocity is effected and enforced,” and this is tricky business, because gift giving and receiving have the potential to “threaten, humiliate, annoy, manipulate, and vex.” William Ian Miller, Humiliation (1993), 21, 23.

Single-Candidate Super PACs and the Transparency Option

January 8, 2016
posted by Bob Bauer

The Super PAC that sits most poorly with critics is the one devoted to a single candidate.  It comes across as a flaunting of the form: often established by a candidate’s friends or associates, created in just the election cycle in which the candidate runs, it just seems to them like a sham.  There been proposals to limit or cripple single candidate PACs, met in turn by objections that the constitutional law does not allow for it.  This objection has force because reform proposals focus solely on the question of spending limits, and it is on this point precisely that the constitutional barriers go up.  If the committee is not “coordinating” with the candidate on a specific expenditure, it retains it's right to spend without limit for his benefit.

But there is another issue presented by the single-candidate Super PAC, allowing more room for a regulatory response: transparency.  As it happens, the problem is created in part by the law.  Unless a Super PAC is committed to the defeat of a particular candidate, in which case it can use the candidate’s name in “projects” or communications, it cannot have the candidate's name built into its own. 11 C.F.R. 102.14(a), (b)(3).  The support that it provides the candidate is presented under an anodyne name, like Committee for An America Back on Track.  The press may well say that it is candidate X’s Super PAC, and candidate X may well try to sneak the independent committee’s fundraising into boasts about his financial position. On the public record, however, the candidate has no connection to the committee: he has “not authorized” it-- for purposes of contribution or spending limits.

Because the single-candidate Super PAC is new to the scene, it stands out as a type of committee that falls through various disclosure cracks.  For example, “draft committees” established to encourage an individual to run to have the right to use her name: there's no mystery about whom they're supporting. 11 C.F.R.102.14(b)(2).  The individual being implored to run may be asked to "disavow" the draft committee, so its spending is not treated as her own and does not trigger any related requirements that she register a campaign committee. 11 C.F.R. 100.3(a)(3).  But the draft committee can proceed clearly and by name to urge a candidacy.

So it is only an independent committee supporting a particular candidate that is barred from using the candidate’s name. In this case, there is no public link between the committee and the candidate.

One conceivable approach would establish that link without running into constitutional complications.  A Super PAC organizing or operating to support only one candidate could be deemed a “supporting organization”, or something like that, defined as an independent committee organized and operating for the primary purpose of supporting candidate X.  A rule might provide that X be notified of an independent committee meeting that test. As in the case of draft committees, the candidate could "disavow" the designation, disputing that the committee truly supports him.

Category: Uncategorized

Super PAC: The Law and The Politics

January 5, 2016
posted by Bob Bauer

The ongoing assessment of Super PACs covers extensive ground, ranging across a number of concerns.  Judgments reached as few months ago are being revised today: for example, it is no longer a sure thing that the candidates supported by the best funded Super PACs have a competitive edge just on the dollars alone.  The only certainty is uncertainty about the role and effect, also the future, of these PACs. Are they a problem for the electoral, or for the governmental, process, or for both, and to what extent can these effects be measured, quantified, pinned down?

The basic bill of particulars against the Super PACs falls into these categories:

  • The distortion of the electoral process, allowing candidates who "have them" to dominate those who do not.  As noted, there is a diminishing confidence about this.
  • The distortion of the governmental process, introducing, through unlimited expenditures closely tied to candidates, an elevated risk of corruption
  • The widening and worsening the problem of political inequality, both as it is and in the electorate's perception, with consequences for public policy.
  • The profusion of nasty or negative speech, sparing the candidate requirement of doing the same and accepting responsibility for it
  • Not all super PAC critics will cite all of these concerns and in some cases it's not clear which of them are included within the overall complaint.  At this stage of revised judgment, it is thought that perhaps Super PACs will make their marks later in the electoral cycle when voters are more engaged and the heavy spending will make more of a difference-- especially in negative advertising.  The  Maggie Haberman article yesterday in The New York Times suggests that we may be returning to this earlier argument about Super PACs: they can't replace campaigns but they can amplify, negatively, their claims and themes.

    But PACs, regular PACs, can do the same, as can tax-exempt “(c)” organizations and those individuals who spend on their own like the billionaire writing his objections to Donald Trump in the sky.  No one can say that Super PACs are pioneers in negative campaign speech, and the difference they make to the volume and effect of negative spending—the difference between this world and a hypothetical one without them-- will not be easily measured.

    There still remain two distinctive claims that can be made about super PACs and the significance of their emergence, one about the law and the other about politics.

    Category: Uncategorized

    Political Self-Interest and the Question of Corruption

    December 31, 2015
    posted by Bob Bauer

    Critics of the McDonnell prosecution have argued that elected officials engage in “routine” political behaviors that should not be confused with the “official acts."   Politicians are kind to their campaign contributors and supporters, helping them where they can; they exercise “influence” for their benefit, within acceptable limits, solely to recognize and maintain these politically valuable relationships.  But this influence is not an exercise of government power and it is not the “quid” that makes for quid pro quo corruption.

    As presented, for example, in a well-crafted brief by former federal officials, the argument includes the insistence that this routine behavior is also broadly “beneficial”, in the sense that it is “essential to the day-today functioning of any representative government.”  Failure to allow for this activity would “cast a shadow of illegality over legitimate, pro-democratic activities,” such as hosting special events or providing privileged access for contributors.

    This is skillfully argued, but it is a point sure to run into resistance because it does not squarely address the element of political self-interest.  The politician romances prospective donors, and rewards the ones who come through with the money, in order to win and keep an office.  Some of these moves may well have a “pro-democratic” function or value, constituting constructive “opportunities to interact with the public.” But at the bottom of it all is mostly raw political give-and-take, or wheeling and dealing, which is what politicians do—and what they have to do, if they are to be successful politicians.

    There are advantages to confronting this head-on, without squeamishness.  One advantage is acknowledging what is going on, and not seeming to hide from it.  It is widely appreciated that politicians pursue self-interest in this fashion, which is one of the reasons why there is skepticism about its value to anyone else and support for legal controls.  Why, some ask, should a politician “get away with it,” using even mere “influence” for his personal—that is to say, political, benefit?  They doubt that closed-door hobnobbing with wealthy contributions are “interactions with the public” valuable to those who can’t pay their way into the room.

    But by facing up to this self-interest, the role of the law, in its intersection with ordinary, inevitable self-interested politics, may become clearer.

    Category: Uncategorized

    The Omnibus and the Direction of the Reform Debate

    December 17, 2015
    posted by Bob Bauer

    The agreement apparently reached on the omnibus omits some campaign finance related items but includes others.  The party coordinated spending limits remain in place, while there are provisions blocking IRS and SEC action in the next year to promulgate political spending disclosure rules. For reformers, the results are decidedly mixed, and they are both relieved and exasperated.  And for them and all others, there is also the question of whether this development suggests anything else about the choices faced in the reform debate.