Justice O’Connor’s Second Thoughts
Professor McConnell’s Defense of Citizens United
The FEC and the Contribution Limits of Same-Sex Couples
Below is the text of a speech delivered this month to the American Constitution Chapter of Duke University Law School.
The Supreme Court has taken yet another case testing the McCain-Feingold campaign finance reforms, and informed observers anticipate another defeat for the 2002 law. But it could be more consequential than just one more loss in the war against soft money. The case, McCutcheon, is a case involving “hard money” contribution limits which, it has been assumed to this point, Congress possesses wide authority to impose and enforce.
This is the great divide established by Buckley v. Valeo, the one that separates “contributions” from “expenditures” on the theory that restrictions on contributions to candidates pose less of a threat to speech than those applied to expenditures that travel from the wallet of the spender directly to the airwaves or into the mailbox. One is taken to be a weaker form of expression than the other and entitled to less protection.
Such is the standing framework within which the constitutional issues affecting campaign finance are judged: one form of speech or the other, each weighed differently on the First Amendment scale. And trailing along behind them is the right to association, a distant third, and really an echo of the first two, as the associational interest here is typically treated as “expressive” in nature.
As someone who has long represented political actors—counseling on various forms of political action—I detect a problem here, which I would like to explore. It is the problem of refusing independent recognition, a weight all of its own, to political action—the business of building coalitions and acting in concert with allies to achieve political goals. The challenge is to distinguish political action from pure speech and locate a constitutional interest in what I will call here “doing politics.”
Campaign Contributions in the Criminal Law
- Russian Intrusion and Partisan Pressures: Aspects of Election Administration Reform After 2016
- Catastrophic Attack and Political Reform
- More on When Collusion with a Foreign Government Becomes a Crime
- “When Collusion with a Foreign Government Becomes a Crime”
- The Supreme Court and the Political Parties
- Brian Svoboda on the Ends of Congressional Ethics Enforcement
- The Political Parties and Their Problems
- The Pence Commission: Of “Public Confidence” and Trojan Horses
- Legal Process and the Comey Firing
- The Trump Executive Order and IRS Politics